Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One step forward and one step back for women's rights

I know I’m a little late on this, but I couldn’t help but do my own celebration post on President Obama signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act!! This is fantastic news and a victorious day for Lilly Ledbetter and women across the nation! Finally we are on our way to equal pay for equal work and it’s all thanks to women like Ledbetter and her "sorority sisters.” Amen! There is more work to be done, but this is a great first step in the right direction.

Check out Jump off the Bridge for a video of Obama actually signing the act! (Ah, technology!)

Unfortunately, I have some criticism for our new President as well for dropping family planning money from the economic rescue bill. I realize the economy is in shambles and we need something to be done now, but cutting family planning will not solve the problem any faster. In fact, covering family planning will only help this country save money in the long run so this move is both unfair and foolish. President Obama should not have caved in to Republican’s demands so quick, but instead been more aggressive in this matter if not for women’s sake, for the sake of our wallets.

We can’t take one step forward and one step back. President Obama, if you are going to promote women’s right’s you are going to have to be an ally for all of us – and that includes both our paychecks and bodies!